Contributing to pyradiomics

There are many ways to contribute to pyradiomics, with varying levels of effort. Do try to look through the documentation first if something is unclear, and let us know how we can do better.

We encourage a range of Pull Requests, from patches that include passing tests and documentation, all the way down to half-baked ideas that launch discussions.

Submitting a parameter file

Different inputs into PyRadiomics require different settings. We encourage users to share their parameter file to help others extract features using the best settings for their use case.

How to submit your parameter file?

Parameter files are stored in the repository under examples/exampleSettings. If you wish to submit your parameters to the community, you can add your file here via a pull request (see above for details on making PRs). To help you along, here is a small checklist:

  • The filename should at least contain the modality (e.g. “MR”) for which it is intended, and optionally the body part (e.g. “prostate”).
  • Ensure the file has the correct extension (either ”.yml” or ”.yaml”)
  • Using comments in the parameter file, briefly explain your use case.

After you’ve opened a PR to submit your parameter file, it will be checked for validity by the automatic testing. You don’t have to specify your file anywhere, as parameter files are detected automatically in the exampleSettings folder. If you want, you can also check your file manually using bin/