Source code for radiomics.generalinfo

import collections
import logging

import numpy
import pywt
import SimpleITK as sitk
import six

import radiomics

[docs]class GeneralInfo(): def __init__(self, imagePath, maskPath, resampledMask, settings, enabledImageTypes): self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__) self.elements = self._getElementNames() if isinstance(imagePath, six.string_types): self.image = sitk.ReadImage(imagePath) elif isinstance(imagePath, sitk.Image): self.image = imagePath else: self.logger.warning('Error reading image Filepath or SimpleITK object') self.image = None if isinstance(maskPath, six.string_types): self.mask = sitk.ReadImage(maskPath) elif isinstance(maskPath, sitk.Image): self.mask = maskPath else: self.logger.warning('Error reading mask Filepath or SimpleITK object') self.mask = None self.resampledMask = resampledMask self._settings = settings self._enabledImageTypes = enabledImageTypes self.label = self._settings.get('label', 1) if resampledMask is not None: self.lssif = sitk.LabelShapeStatisticsImageFilter() self.lssif.Execute(resampledMask) else: self.lssif = None def _getElementNames(self): return [member[3: -5] for member in dir(self) if member.startswith('get') and member.endswith('Value')]
[docs] def execute(self): """ Return a dictionary containing all general info items. Format is <info_item>:<value>, where the type of the value is preserved. For CSV format, this will result in conversion to string and quotes where necessary, for JSON, the values will be interpreted and stored as JSON strings. """ generalInfo = collections.OrderedDict() for el in self.elements: generalInfo[el] = getattr(self, 'get%sValue' % el)() return generalInfo
[docs] def getBoundingBoxValue(self): """ Calculate and return the boundingbox extracted using the specified label. Elements 0, 1 and 2 are the x, y and z coordinates of the lower bound, respectively. Elements 3, 4 and 5 are the size of the bounding box in x, y and z direction, respectively. Values are based on the resampledMask. """ if self.lssif is not None: return self.lssif.GetBoundingBox(self.label) else: return None
[docs] def getGeneralSettingsValue(self): """ Return a string representation of the general settings. Format is {<settings_name>:<value>, ...}. """ return self._settings
[docs] def getImageHashValue(self): """ Returns the sha1 hash of the image. This enables checking whether two images are the same, regardless of the file location. If the reading of the image fails, an empty string is returned. """ if self.image is not None: return sitk.Hash(self.image) else: return None
[docs] def getImageSpacingValue(self): """ Returns the original spacing (before any resampling) of the image. If the reading of the image fails, an empty string is returned. """ if self.image is not None: return self.image.GetSpacing() else: return None
[docs] def getEnabledImageTypesValue(self): """ Return a string representation of the enabled image types and any custom settings for each image type. Format is {<imageType_name>:{<setting_name>:<value>, ...}, ...}. """ return self._enabledImageTypes
[docs] def getMaskHashValue(self): """ Returns the sha1 hash of the mask. This enables checking whether two masks are the same, regardless of the file location. If the reading of the mask fails, an empty string is returned. Uses the original mask, specified in maskPath. """ if self.mask is not None: return sitk.Hash(self.mask) else: return None
[docs] @classmethod def getVersionValue(self): """ Return the current version of this package. """ return radiomics.__version__
[docs] @classmethod def getNumpyVersionValue(self): """ Return the current version of the numpy package, used for feature calculation. """ return numpy.__version__
[docs] @classmethod def getSimpleITKVersionValue(self): """ Return the current version of the SimpleITK package, used for image processing. """ return sitk.Version().VersionString()
[docs] @classmethod def getPyWaveletVersionValue(self): """ Return the current version of the PyWavelet package, used to apply the wavelet filter. """ return pywt.__version__
[docs] def getVolumeNumValue(self): """ Calculate and return the number of zones within the mask for the specified label. A zone is defined as a group of connected neighbours that are segmented with the specified label, and a voxel is considered a neighbour using 26-connectedness for 3D and 8-connectedness for 2D. Values are based on the resampledMask. """ if self.resampledMask is not None: labelMap = (self.resampledMask == self.label) ccif = sitk.ConnectedComponentImageFilter() ccif.FullyConnectedOn() ccif.Execute(labelMap) return ccif.GetObjectCount() else: return None
[docs] def getVoxelNumValue(self): """ Calculate and return the number of voxels that have been segmented using the specified label. Values are based on the resampledMask. """ if self.lssif is not None: return self.lssif.GetNumberOfPixels(self.label) else: return None